Sundance Consulting Inc.

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A New Year - Better or More of the Same?

The usual hope and expectation of a New Year seems different this time around. There is no end in sight to the global pandemic as new variations surface and the vaccination rollout is off to a rocky start. The darkness of the alternate reality that has been playing out in the US is deeply unsettling. The majority of us remain physically secluded from our extended family and friends while struggling to maintain connection and meaning through software and hardware that are simply not up to the task.

Yet we persevere. At least in the short term. The next few months will likely be much like the past several months. Our own individual versions of ‘Groundhog Day’. Hopefully, the longer term will see some resolution or at least progress toward solving some of the pressing challenges we all face.

A New Year can trigger the obligation of setting resolutions for the upcoming year. Often onerous and rarely successful, I have never liked the idea of a ‘resolution’. I prefer the idea of a nudge, a reminder, or a suggestion to myself. These are usually one or two, never more than three, things I will focus my attention on over the coming year. Often, they span several years, until I see the results I am looking for. I always write them down some where I can check on my progress at the end of each month. Things that are concrete, specific, and measurable are more likely to get accomplished. So, what are you working on for yourself this year? What New Years nudge or reminder do you need to establish for yourself?

Over the past year I have unconsciously been looking for signs of hope. I did not realize this until I came across one recently. Good friends suggested I watch a new documentary called Kiss the Ground. Found on Netflix and only 85 minutes long, it explores both a scientific and very practical look at how current agricultural practices around the world are dramatically contributing to climate change. Initially unsettling and ultimately very hopeful, you will find it interesting to learn solutions to climate change can be found in the ground we use to grow our food.

I am working on a new project. Recently I’ve been asked by the national HRPA (Human Resources Professionals Association) to create a Change Leadership Master Class for HR Professionals. It starts with a free one hour overview of Leading Change in early February, followed by 7 two hour programs every two weeks. Throughout all these programs, I endeavor to share what I have learned over the past three plus decades of helping people and organizations change. These live webinars will be recorded and available through my web site sometime in the summer if you can not join us for the live programs. Click here for more information.

We have consolidated access to our hard copy and digital copy resources, along with our current online courses onto our new Learning Resources section of our web site. Drop by and have a look. Use the code FIRST15 to receive a 15% discount off your first order. Offer is valid until Valentines Day.

All the best to you and yours as we explore what this New Year will become, together.